
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Seekonk Public Library. As an agency of town government, the library does not use volunteers in place of staff.  Please review the Volunteer Policy before filling out an application.

Volunteer Policy

The main purpose of the volunteer program is to enhance and extend library services and programs. Volunteers help the library meet and exceed its goals and objectives by providing enthusiasm, added talents, and a fresh perspective. The library is committed to offering rewarding volunteer opportunities that take advantage of a person’s unique skills and talents. Volunteering is one way citizens can become familiar with the library and the services that it offers. Volunteers are often advocates of quality library service.

Role of Volunteers

  • Volunteers provide services that enhance, rather than replace, adequate library staff.
  • Volunteers are individuals who work without wages or benefits.
  • Volunteers are recognized as representatives of the library by the public and are held to the same standards as paid staff.
  • Because of potential liability issues, you must be in 6th grade or above to volunteer.
  • Minors (under 18) may only work as volunteers with the written consent of a parent or legal guardian.
  • Individuals interested in volunteering must submit the Volunteer Application Forms to the Associate Director. The Associate Director or designee recruits, reviews applications, conducts interviews, and negotiates acceptable work schedules.
  • Volunteers will be trained to work independently by library staff.  The library does not have enough staff to provide constant supervision of volunteers. For this reason no court-ordered community service will be allowed.
  • Volunteers are considered “at will” workers. Both the volunteer and the library have the right to terminate the volunteer’s association with the library at any time.
  • Preference will be given to those willing to make a long term commitment. Training is provided to volunteers by library staff as directed by the Associate Director.
  • The Associate Director or designee is responsible for supervising volunteers.
  • There is no formal evaluation process for volunteers.
  • The Associate Director may discontinue volunteer opportunities with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees.

Application Forms

Contact Information

For more information, please email Kathleen Hibbert, Director at khibbert@seekonkpl.org or call her at (508) 336-8230, extension 56110.

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